About me?  Sounds easy enough right?  Often, it feels that all I am anymore is my illness and my hope for treatment to come soon.  I live each day with the pain of my illness and the commitment to get healthy.  Where does the hope and fight come from?  I don't really know other than to say that having such wonderful people in my life, especially my soulmate Sophie, certainly defines the part of me that supercedes my illness-- and provides inspiration to go on.

On a daily basis, I am surrounded by Sophie, Judie and five, yes, 5, beautiful dogs.  (Our beautiful Mitlo left us last summer ).   When i am unable, Sophie is my tireless caretaker, friend and partner.  She's the best person I know and I love her completely.  And Judie-- everyone "wants a Judie," depicts who she is.  If something needs to get done, Judie does it.  I consider her a sister.

I miss terribly my work as a police officer and have made it my goal to get back to patrol, which is where I have spent my entire 11 year career.  Particularly now, as I feel such appreciation and gratitude for the many members of the SFPD for so generously supporting me both monetarily and with time donations.  Individual members of the SFPD have allowed me time to pursue my health with some semblance of financial security.  Their generous time-donations keep me getting a paycheck; which not only provides me with an income, but also pays for my healthcare benefits.  I am so grateful to them...

There have been so many people, both police and civilian who have helped-- I can not name you all individually but thank you immensely for all you have done.

alice sophie in rome
